Landes department

Golf à Hossegor


Around Hossegor, within a ray of 20 kilometres, vary sensations and discover 3 other very reputed landais golf courses : Seignosse, Soustons and Moliets. Imagined by the greatest architects and conceived on a sandy soil, these courses allow you to play, from practice to 18-hole golf (18 + 9), all year.

Pass Golf

Rides & Discovers​

Real treasures, off beaten path, will seduce promenades lovers, in particular 4 protected natural reserves that invite you to escape and to let go : Courant d’Huchet, Étang Noir, Étang Blanc, Marais d’Orx.​

To live : Embark from Leon lake then let yourself be transported along Courant d’Huchet, more commonly called “small Amazon”. In a “galupe”, accompanied by boatmen, listen to its history and appreciate a landscapes succession between swamps, bogs and dunes, where many unsuspected and protected animal species and varied vegetation nest.                                                                                                       The 10 kilometres descent to the ocean is synonym of a breathtakingly exotic trip.​

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